Wuzzles. I didn't know then why. I still don't.

Wii should just say "thank you". I'de still be stomping on this badboy if there were a higher level than "cheetah" and my sister and I hadn't pounded the dining room chandelier to pieces from the upstairs playroom in '86....Whatever.

Before she was solely associated with her ginormous heavy hangers that she had reduced...

When was the last time you could wear 'em (running around your kitchens or lounging on your own couch dont count ladies) or see them...(boy shorts don't count guys and we're talking on women..interpret as you wish)

When being stranded in the cold was somewhat fun.Love.

I know..I can still get one, but not conveniently located in Tribeca nor does it work well with my health regime. Would rather save the calories for drowning any social and work anxieties in booze soaked TLC these days...:-(. Depressing, I know.
Blueberry Hubba Bubba.....They don't make or sell it anymore, nor do they post legit pictures of the packages online. Lame.
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