Status Updates 9.10.2010: (names have been changed to protect the already dooshy reps of the following )
1-Hey now this is my desire: Consume me like fire, cause I just want something beautiful to touch me-John Mueller....Really? First off this is a dude's posting. Secondly..forget it. DELETE.
2- Mary Slugen is in love with my new coffee maker!!! It's like my brother says, I have met "Life"!!!!!! LOL....If that is "Life" you may want to re-evaluate your future sweetie. Also, way too many exclamation marks..Nobody is that excited about a coffee maker. Ever. Liar.DELETE.
1-Hey now this is my desire: Consume me like fire, cause I just want something beautiful to touch me-John Mueller....Really? First off this is a dude's posting. Secondly..forget it. DELETE.
2- Mary Slugen is in love with my new coffee maker!!! It's like my brother says, I have met "Life"!!!!!! LOL....If that is "Life" you may want to re-evaluate your future sweetie. Also, way too many exclamation marks..Nobody is that excited about a coffee maker. Ever. Liar.DELETE.
3- Sarah Loughlin went to social security to change the last name...shockingly it lasted only 15 minutes!!!! Wow, I don't know about the rest of you, but that IS shocking! I'm going to go drop some cianide in my coffee and see if I can reach the same level of astonishment that Sarah must be experiencing right now. Brb.DELETE.
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