Alexa Hong, "Soho House Miami opening last night...REALLY puts the NYC house to shame"- We get it. You go out. To REALLY cool places. So...SUBTLE. And now I shall suddenly DELETE you.
Joanna Stern, "Do you know anything about Gall Bladder Surgery! Why did you need it? Does it hurt? Doing some research. Please help :-)."- Honey, I did some Google research on my own after reading this. If I had a razor sharp pains in my gut, vomiting and nausea, had trouble passing gas, was severely constipated or exhibited any of the other side effects of gall bladder surgery, why the hell would I want to post it on your wall for everyone to read. AND after that you actually have the GALL (ha pun intended) to give a ":-)" icon?? Fuck off. Seriously. DELETE......AND DELETE. IGNORE. DELETE.
Mike Johns, "Success lays within the power of your mind, or at least today it feels that way."- Listen Ghandi...Use your grammer check application, success lies, it doesn't lay. Speaking of which, it's probably about time you got it too...maybe a good shtupping would knock some creativity into your mind and out of your mouth. DELETE.